Welcome to the Creative Catalyst newsletter.

I'm Helen Lowe, a storyteller and creative midwife. My work provides catalysts to align with your deepest sense of belonging and to open wide your own channel for higher knowing and creativity. This newsletter is a place I share some of my own experiences and inspirations for practicing the human art of being and belonging.

You can check out my work at Creative Catalyst and Wheel of Wisdom.

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By subscribing, you let me know you’re out there and reading…which means a lot in this faceless digital space! As a subscriber you’ll receive occasional posts directly in your inbox and you can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for reading!

~ Helen

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inspiration to practice the art of being and belonging


As storyteller and creative catalyst, my work encourages people to access and express their innate creativity, highest wisdom, and natural compassion. It is an invitation to give up trying to "fit in" and experience how you truly belong.