Welcome to the Creative Catalyst newsletter.

I'm Helen Lowe. I see every human being as an artist, learning to practice the mysterious craft of living…consciously or not. This newsletter is a place I share some of my experiences and musings about the human art of being and belonging.

You can check out my work at Creative Catalyst or The Gladstone Creative Community Lab, an endeavor I share with my partner and creative collaborator, Stephen Podry.

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By subscribing, you let me know you’re out there and reading…which means a lot.
Also, as a subscriber you’ll receive my very sporadic posts directly in your inbox. Thank you for reading!

~ Helen

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inspiration to practice the art of being and belonging


As storyteller and creative catalyst, my work encourages people to access and express their innate creativity, highest wisdom, and holistic compassion. It is an assuring invitation to give up trying to "fit in" and experience how you truly belong.